In search of a GOAL
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
For those in the know, they will realise the topic of this post from its capitalisation. My last post talked briefly about why I cannot lisp. Now I wanted to go into why I want to. As before I want to not talk about the simplicity of lisp or its elegance. These things are fairly subjective and much better documented elsewhere. Rather, I want to talk about my goal with lisp.
I mentioned previously that I didn't really have a project I could sink my teeth into to properly learn lisp. This isn't strictly true. I do have one, but it is so large that I don't dare start it until I understand more first.
I want to write a game.
Thankfully I have a bit of experience in making games, so I know what a mammoth undertaking this is. That is also why I am worried about starting it.
So the first question here would be "Why lisp? Why not a language you're familiar with?" and there are many complicated answers to that question, but there's one which is the primary subject. Naughty Dog did it.
I played a bunch of Crash Bandicoot, and Jak and Daxter when I was younger. Both of these games were made in lisp. Specifically they were made by an in house version of lisp, in the case of Jak and Daxter, called Game Oriented Assembly Lisp, GOAL. From what the developer, Andy Gavin, describes, this had many high level quality of life features which were not really common in console development until years later. While a lot of these are more common now, at least on desktop development, such as edit and continue, they never seem to work perfectly.
3. The plan
There are game development resources for using lisp dialects such as Common Lisp. Some of them are very good and I really should spend more time going through them. None of the languages have precisely the feature set that I want, and whenever I have started learning them, have been frustrated that they do not have something I want. It is perfectly possible that this is a failing on my part, in not being able to think like a lisper and do it the lisp way, but I have decided to do what I have done when I don't understand a problem, and try to implement it myself.
There are a few features that are must haves for me, and a few which are nice to have down the line, and then some more wishlist further on. One example that it must have is that it must be a natively compiled language. While I don't necessarily want to push modern computers to their limit, I like tinkering with older computers, and being able to easily port to an older system is something I would want to do. A nice to have associated with this is optional manual optimisation techniques, such as inline assembly, and optional typing. The wishlist for this is then to also have an untyped interpreted environment, ideally with seemless interop, and in the same dialect, allowing for developing a system in an interpreted environment, giving greater access to debugging features, then switching it to being compiled once it has been proven out.
I do not want to give the impression that the above were my only requirements. As such, something like Common Lisp would have probably sufficed. I also don't want to suggest that no lisp implementation is suitable, as I have mentioned previously, it is more likely my own unfamiliarity which makes me not appreciate things. This is more a voyage of discovery, rather than a task to find or make the most perfect lisp. This information is just given as context for what I'm attempting to achieve.
4. Progress
While I have had a few attempts at doing something along these lines, there are two which are worth documenting. For these I have taken two different approaches, and had different problems.
My first attempt was to leverage an existing system. I had come across Scheme48 which, while being interpreted, did use a subset of scheme, Prescheme, in which its VM was written, which compiles to C, and from there to native code. There are several limitations in Prescheme, but I hoped that I could hack in some of the features I wanted, and extend it within the language for the rest. To this end, I forked scheme48 and started hacking around. I have mostly made some changes which allow linking to external C libraries more easily, and have them written some test applications, such as a quick implementation of tinywm, albeit missing some of the callbacks, because of currently not being able to access child records/structs in prescheme.
While this attempt was successful in being able to create executables which did what I wanted for the most part, and I do continue hacking on it, it always feels like I'm fighting the system, and forcing it to do things it does not want to do. I will continue to do so, I think it is unlikely that this will ever be anything more.
My other main attempt was to do what I do best, and reinvent the wheel. I started off a project which I called yoctolisp due to how incomplete it is. It is actually based on a miniature lisp interpreter which I used to have in my CV. The idea behind this one was that I would write a bootstrapping compiler, and I would not only be in control of everything which happened from the ground up, but I would understand it all because I'd written it. Of course first I had to fix all the bugs and add missing features in the interpreter, which is an ongoing task. Then I could start work on the compiler. It's intended to be a multi-stage compiler. Stage0 is the interpreter, which just needs a C89 compliant compiler on the system. I would then write a minimal compiler which runs on the interpreter, Stage1, which would then immediately compile itself, so that it can run more quickly. The native Stage1 compiler would then be used to compile Stage2, which is the full language, including standard library. The language dialect across the 'stages' would be identical, so anything written to run on Stage0 would run on Stage2. The inverse would not be true however as Stage2 would implement additional features. This would mean that once Stage1 was built, Stage0 would be unneccessary, and a previous Stage1 build could be used to rebuild Stage1 in future. Similarly, an existing Stage2 could be used without the need for any initial stages.Of course, like I mentioned, fixing issues in Stage0 is an ongoing task, and I have not yet got anything functional in Stage1, let alone Stage2. This is in large part due to my almost zero understanding of how lisps functioned when writing the original interpreter, leaving me with some head scratching design decisions to work around or refactor. There are some great things that have come out of it though, the way I wrote the interpreter's parser, it 'just works' to parse the Stage1 file into an AST that I can traverse with almot no additional code.
5. Next steps
I am not going to abandon either of the above attempts. I have learned a lot from working with them and that doesn't seem to be stopping. I don't believe that either of these solutions with be "the next GOAL". Now I better understand lisp, I would probably be better off going with SBCL or maybe Chez Scheme both of which appear to support the majority of my requirements.
While I am undecided which direction to go for a 'production' solution, I will continue hacking around with these two projects. I may also fork off yl's stage0 into a separate project if I can think of a purpose for it, although I already have a bad lisp interpreter project so maybe that's unneccessary.
This post is the second in a series of lisp-centric posts. The previous post can be found here. The next post will be linked once it has been published.