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Tiny Little Libraries

NOTE: This page is a work in progress

1. Introduction

Often, my mind will wander. I will stumble across a topic that I'd not thought about, or not put much effort into learning before, either through lack of time, or lack of application. When this happens, something just clicks and I go "I wonder if I could…" and I start coming up with potential use cases. I will usually have some kind of big goal which I never hope to achieve, but will give me a potential use case to work towards.

Then I set off researching.

I usually do not look up existing implementations. If this was to be something that I wanted to use in a product, that would be a sensible thing to do. That isn't the goal here. The goal for these things is for me to learn how something functions. To do this, I have found that failing is often far more useful. I want to make mistakes. I want to have suboptimal code that I understand thoroughly, so that I can look at someone else's code then and go "aha, so that's why they've done it that way."

I am not saying that these projects are bad, or unusable. I try my best to make them usable. I try to make them performant. I just don't get too upset if they're not, or if I realise part way through that my implementation makes no sense.

So what do I make? I make libraries.

I said that I usually have a potential use case for these things, and while that is true, I often don't have the time to implement that, plus to do so would require the entire system to be working. Instead I make a library which I could potentially use in a project to fulfill the task that I want it to. These are my Tiny Little Libraries.

Before I go more into detail about the different libraries, how I developed them etc, I should first probably clarify some of the design decisions, and what I think makes them "tiny little". I do not try to squeeze the functionality into the smallest amount of bytes, I do not try to get the absolute bare minimum functionality. Instead the "tiny little" refers to a concept whereby I think that the use of the library should occupy the absolute bare minimum amount of mental space possible. I deviate from this to varying degrees in some of the libraries for various reasons, but the underlying thing is that it should not have many configuration options, it should not have a massive complex interface. It should do one task, it doesn't matter too much about the internal complexity, but the user should just go "do a thing" and it does a thing.

2. The beginning

This whole thing began with an idea I had. A game I was working on had design variables for balancing the game. This is a pretty common thing now, most game engines expose these in one way or anther so that you don't have to go into the code to change everything. The variables in question that had got me thinking were curves. In this specific codebase they were defined as a series of points, heights along a graph, which were joined up. What occurred to me was that it would be interesting if I could specify these curves as mathematical equations.

I created tlmm - Tiny Little Maths Machine. The idea behind this was that you could give it a mathematical equation, such as "x2+x+12" and then you could query it at various values of x, and it would return the result.

As this was my first of these libraries, a lot of what I later established to be core features, was not in place. I wrote the implementation in a mix of C and C++, I provided a C++ interface, I also let the library handle file I/O

It worked though. I wrote a simple parser which converted the equation into an RPN bytecode, and then evaluated that using a simple stack system. Using this bytecode system, I could evaluate fairly complex equations quickly

tlmmProgram* prog = tlmmInitProgram();
tlmmParseProgram(prog, "x^2+x+12");
float y = tlmmGetValue(prog, 2);

Also introduced with tlmm was my test suite. This is a very basic C++ test suite which handles test grouping, and also timed tests. To date, I don't think I've ever actually specified time limits for tests, but I technically could.

3. How many bits?

My largest, most complete, and most complex library is tlvm - Tiny Little Virtual Machine. This is not actually a complete VM, but rather a CPU emulator for 8 bit CPUs. VM just sounded better.

This project started because I realised that my knowledge of computers only went so far, and I really had no idea how processors worked, every time I looked at assembly code, it confused and scared me. I wanted to understand how CPUs functioned, so I could make them do more things. I initially started trying to design my own CPU to emulate, but quickly realised that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, so decided it was a better idea to emulate an existing, well documented design. Out of the multitudes of CPU architectures, which would I choose? Intel 8080 of course. This choice has left me with a large headache, why didn't I just choose 6502? The reason is, of course, that I am a massive fan of the movie Wargames, and would love to own Matthew Broderick's IMSAI 8080 from that movie.

4. What's the secret?

My most recent library is tlss - Tiny Little Sudoku Solver. This came because I had been solving sudokus, and realised that the way in which I tend to approach solving them should be able to be handled by a computer. I assume availability of all possible digits for all cells, then using rules, restrict that availability. I considered for a while whether or not I should write something. Of course having an automated solver would spoil any enjoyment if I actually used it, but if I just used it as fun project, then it would be ok.

I didn't initally set out to write one of my tiny little libraries, instead I hacked together a quick C++ proof of concept. It used very naive logic, only checking rows and columns for digits, only really taking into account Naked Singles (that's a SFW link, I promise!) which let is solve only the simplest grids. When I considered how I would extend it, I found my design a bit clunky, so I decided to rewrite it, which is where tlss was born.

As with previous libraries it follows a very similar pattern. All general state is stored within a context struct, which would allow for multiple solvers to run concurrently if you so desire. Functions tend to all return an error value with 0 as no error, with an enum for error lookup. I also used TDD quite extensively, by first writing a function stub, then the tests, deciding on all the invalid and valid inputs for that function, then making the function pass the tests.

One decision I made which might not make an awful lot of sense was to make the grids immutable. This decision was made for two different reasons, both of which are possibly a little over complicated, but as this is an experimentation project, I thought it was the ideal place to do it. Firstly, I had the idea that perhaps the solver could be made to solve a particularly hard sudoku concurrently. To do this, I would have to fork off the solving, and then merge the results together. While immutable data is not a requirement for this, it would make implementing it much simpler. The other reason is that I would like for the solver itself to be extensible by whatever is using tlss. By this I mean, I will be providing an interface to add rules on top of the existing tlss implementation. This might be implementing additional methods to restrict cells, like checking for Swordfishes for if it's adding rules for variant sudoku, like adding in Killer cages. One of the things I would like to do is to implement these in a functional style. While, again, immutable data types aren't a requirement here, they do make it easier to force myself to do this.